They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom, And talk of Your power, To make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, And the glorious majesty of His kingdom.
– Psalm 145:11-12
To build the church as THE PLACE of …
And there (KPC) will be a tabernacle for shade in the daytime from the heat, for a place of refuge, and for a shelter from storm and rain.”
(Isaiah 4:6)
“I make this covenant and this oath, not with you alone, 15 but with him who stands here with us today before the LORD our God…”
(Deuteronomy 29:14-15)
“There I will make the horn of David grow; I will prepare a lamp for My Anointed. His enemies I will clothe with shame, But upon Himself His crown shall flourish.”
(Psalms 132:17-18)
To raise a people of WORD and WEALTH…
Our people will be sound in the Word of God and they will be wealthy.
• Our people will “…esteem and treasure the words of His mouth more than their necessary food.” (Job 23:12)
• Our people’s heart “…shall swell with joy; because the abundance of the sea shall be turned to us, the wealth of the Gentiles shall come to you.” (Isaiah 60:5)