Kingdom Pathway Church is a non-denominational ministry located on the north side of Chicago. We are located at 2632 W. Touhy Av. Chicago, IL. 60645. It is an organization that serves the multi-cultural population in this neighborhood. Our website address is www.kingdompathwaychurch.org.
We meet every Sunday and Thursday. Periodic seminars, workshops and retreats are organized for spiritual empowerment. Leadership trainings are organized throughout the year for members and non-members for personal enrichment and community relevance. Over the past years, we have successfully planned and executed religious, educational and charitable activities.
Our first outreach was in November 2012, we worked with Connections, an organization that works on preventing homelessness and preserving community, to feed some of the homeless people that they take care of. This organization in located in Evanston Illinois. We bought foods and drinks and our volunteers helped to make lunches and to pack them with drinks so that they were handy to give out. This act was our contribution towards ending hunger and helping families and individuals who are facing challenging times as they work towards independence and stability.
In fall 2012, we had gift packs sent to our college students. This is an attempt to encourage them to do well in school. We sent some food materials and school supplies to assist them get ready for their exams. This was done in the attempt to remind them of the support they have and to let them know that we believe in them. One of our students had already graduated and is now working as a mechanical engineer.
In summer 2013, we organized an empowerment seminar in Nigeria. The Seminar attracted men and women from every part of the country. We had worship session, prayer time and exaltation session. It lasted 2 days with a lot of people testifying to how blessed they were. Hope was restored and confidence was gained by the participants.
We organized Vacation Bible camp in summer 2014. This was driven by the need to relieve working parents from baby-sitting expenses and as well building character in the children by teaching Bible stories. The participants had much fun and are looking forward to joining next year.
Furthermore, we had a Health Fair in summer 2014. We were able to raise enough volunteers who helped with vital signs check, blood sugar checks and educational materials were provided to the participants. Healthy snacks were provided.
In 2015, we gave Christmas gifts to children who are being raised by single parents. We brought smile to the faces of the kids who felt the love of God through the gifts that they received.
In 2016, we cooked at Christmas time and delivered warm meals to homeless people at different locations in Chicago. Our volunteers went to meet the homeless, gave them food and talked with them.
In 2017, we organized a community outreach in which we delivered care-packages to nursing home patients and the homeless. In addition, we delivered warm meals. We also gave care packages to students as they returned to school in the beginning of the school year.
In 2018, we raised a contribution to help the elderly petty traders in Nigeria. We supported them with capital funds to re-establish their business. We also supported kids who are being raised by single parents with Back-to-school materials in the beginning of the school year.
In 2019, we worked with Connections, an organization in Evanston, IL., that works with the homeless. We bought food for the homeless people there. In addition, we volunteered at the location to clean the rooms, pack food and sort donated clothes.
In spring 2020, we bought groceries and distributed it to those who may be in need due to the Corona Virus. Our representative went from one house to another dropping groceries at the front doors and maintaining social distancing.
In addition to our yearly activities, we organize Vacation Bible camp in the summer of every year. This is driven by the need to relieve working parents from baby-sitting expenses and as well building character in the children by teaching Bible stories. The participants always report having much fun and are always looking forward to participate.
All our activities are centered on communities, human and spiritual development. Our activities are usually conducted by our members who voluntarily give their time and money. Our activities are in support of our request for tax exempt since we are community oriented and non-for-profit organization. We would want our donors to be able to write off their contributions at the end of the year.