Living A Godly Life (II)
1 Peter 2:12 TPT
[12] Live honorable lives as you mix with unbelievers, even though they accuse you of being evildoers. For they will see your beautiful works and have a reason to glorify God in the day he visits us.
Last week, we started looking at Apostle Peter’s model of living a godly life and we established the first principle as the principle of identity.
This week, we are looking at the principles of honorable living. It is not just important that we live, we must live a kind of life that would bring honor to God and to our lives. The first book I authored was titled Living Beyond Living, and there I shared about the tragedy of living anyhow. It is sad to know that a lot of people are living lives with no sense of purpose or direction; living that kind of life will never bring honor to God. If, as you relate with unbelievers, they cannot see the difference between their way of living and yours, you are not living an honorable live.
As I round off this week, living an honorable life has to be intentional. Notice that the verse above did not say you should not mix or have a rapport with unbelievers. What the scripture here establishes is that your relationship must be with righteous boundaries. When you practice this, men would see your beautiful works and then be compelled to praise your God.
I commend you to God and to the word of His grace.
I call you BLESSED. I call you NATIONS.